theme hotel

圣托利温泉庄园座落于“中南海冬部”之称的从化温泉旅游小镇。地理位置优越,交通便利,距广州、深圳、香港、澳门等珠 三角州核心城市仅需 1 到 2 小时车程。 庄园依傍流溪河、环山叠翠,拥有多处珍稀含氡苏打温泉泉眼,是国内唯一一个以地中海建筑风格为主题的精品温泉度假庄园。我们将当地艺术文化元素与西方氛围细致融合,蓝白色的建筑在温泉镇里别树一格,被誉为中国的圣托里尼。
Santori Hot Spring Manor is located in the hot spring tourist town of Conghua, known as the "Winter Capital of Zhongnanhai". The geographical position is superior and the transportation is convenient. It only takes 1 to 2 hours to drive to the core cities such as the Greater Bay Area.
客房——配套30 多个以圣托里尼为设计风格的不同特色主题客房,拥有充足的自然采光,透过落地窗的观景阳台,可以饱览园区内外的雅致园景;
宴会厅——900多平方米的多功能宴会厅,可满足500 多人的大型会议及婚庆需求;私人订制服务,让新人们在见证爱的时刻感受到与众不同的浪漫与温馨。
温泉池——40多个各具特色功效的鲜花温泉池,3000 平方米的大型造浪泳池以及无边际恒温温泉泳池,让宾客卸去压力与疲惫,在远离烦嚣之中享受健康无忧的生活。
We have meticulously integrated local art and cultural elements with Western atmosphere. The blue and white buildings are unique in the spa town, known as China's Santorini.

Featured Dining
For many years, Xiyuan Banquet Center has been breaking through traditions, surpassing conventions, and is committed to becoming a one-stop service catering brand for large-scale weddings, carefully creating characteristic romantic weddings for couples. Our service tenet is: "treat with heart, exceed expectations".

主城地段 , 深厚文化
Xiyuan Banquet Center is located in the Guangdong Guest Hotel, with a profound historical and cultural atmosphere. The geographical circle is superior, and it is located on Jiefang North Road in the center of the city and the bustling commercial district of Beijing Road in front of the park, with convenient transportation.
We pay attention to the freshness and quality of the ingredients. From the selection of ingredients to the cooking skills, we have done our best to present the original delicious taste of the ingredients and create the ultimate dining experience for customers.

我们一直致力打造创新的一站式私人定制婚礼服务体验。 我们的宴会团队专业细心,配备了专业的婚礼策划团队、 婚礼管家贴心服务,务求将每一个婚嫁及宴会环节做到全方位极致体验。
我们细心聆听您的需求,提供贴心又窝心的服务与跟进, 让每位尊贵的顾客轻松享受幸福宴会时光。
We have been committed to creating an innovative one-stop private customized wedding service experience. Our banquet team is professional and meticulous, equipped with a professional wedding planning team and wedding butler attentive services, so as to achieve the ultimate experience of every wedding and banquet.